Gratitude list
Make a list of things that you are not jealous about. One of the top ways to overcome jealousy is to focus on what you are not jealous about. Learn to focus on what's great about your life.
Control your anger
This is something that all of us find hard to do. The moment we get jealous about something, we start getting angry about it. Focus on being calm. Look at the things that you already have in your life.
It is important to relax and rejuvenate so that you don't feel jealous or envious of things in your life.
Talk to your partner
Talk to your partner if you are going through moments of crisis. It is always best to talk to someone when you are feeling jealous rather than curbing that thought. When you open your heart out, it causes less problems than when you keep it within yourself. So open up and see the wonders for yourself.