Either way, it’s not going to turn out well.
According to the Huffington Post, the healthiest relationships
are the ones where a couple has learned how to fight and communicate effectively, and the majority of the time, that happens through experience.
Every couple will fight. It’s inevitable when you combine two different people, with two different goals, ideas and feelings into one life.
It’s how you make it through the fight that makes your marriage more (or less) successful.
And let’s be honest, there is definitely something to be said for make-up sex.
Statistically speaking, your marriage has no better chance of being successful than anyone else’s.
Statistics differ on this point, but the overall message is clear: close to half of all marriages in the US end in divorce.
For a marriage to be successful today, it takes more than saying “I do”. It requires saying “I do” every single day, for the rest of your life.
What do I mean by that? I mean that each person must actively make the marriage a priority. Effort needs to be made by both parties every day to make sure that the couple is happy and that the union is healthy.
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