SYDNEY: Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard today accused the opposition of a pattern of misogynist behaviour, branding a menu for a party fundraiser ‘grossly sexist and offensive’ after it featured a quail dish named after her that offered ‘small breasts’ and ‘huge thighs’.
The menu was used at a dinner in March for Mal Brough, a former government minister under
prime minister John Howard and now an opposition candidate for the September national elections. Opposition treasury spokesman Joe Hockey was the guest of honour.The menu was used at a dinner in March for Mal Brough, a former government minister under
The menu only surfaced on Twitter today, listing a dish called ‘Julia Gillard Kentucky Fried Quail: Small Breasts and Huge Thighs and A Big Red Box’.
Conservative Liberal opposition leader Tony Abbott condemned the description. But the flame-haired Gillard, whose comments on misogyny last year won her global acclaim, said it demonstrated a ‘pattern of behaviour’ within Liberal ranks and called for Abbott to disendorse Brough. “I’ve certainly been very clear on my view about Mr Abbott,” Gillard told reporters, in reference to the parliamentary misogyny tirade which was directed at her conservative counterpart and went viral. “Here we are yet again, Mr Abbott saying that he condemns behaviour but we see a pattern of behaviour. It doesn’t go away,” she said. Gillard said Abbott had previously stood next to signs which described her in a sexist way, including as a bitch and witch, and young Liberals had hosted a function where jokes were made about the death of her father. “And now, we have Mr Brough and Mr Hockey sat a function with this grossly sexist and offensive menu on display. Join the dots.”
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