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Officer's flatulence leads to cannabis arrests

Officer's wind leads to cannabis arrests
Officers had opened their windows after one kept breaking wind (Picture: File)
A cannabis factory was sniffed out by police after they wound down their car windows to escape the smell when one officer kept breaking wind.
The team noticed a second strange scent as they sucked in the welcome fresh air, and tracked it to a
house before enforcing the pong arm of the law, the Police Federation’s magazine reported.
‘They asked their colleague in the back what he had been eating, and after fits of giggles and denials, they realised the cannabis smell was in the air in the street outside,’ it said.
‘All three officers’ suspicions were raised and they left the car to get some fresh air and find the cause of the cannabis smell.
Cannabis factory discovered when police open car windows after officer kept breaking wind
A cannabis factory was discovered by police (Picture: PA)
‘Imagine the surprise on the faces of the occupants of the house further along the road when the officers, following their noses, found a cannabis factory with a crop worth £12,000.’
Seven people at the property in Leicester were arrested.
The officer with the wind problem had been on a high-protein diet after taking up body building.
‘It was a good collar and it was all down to this officer and his flatulence,’ a police source said.
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