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When dating fatigue sets in…

Why do youngsters prefer a game chess over candle-light dinner? TOI explores…
Be it online dating or taking the object of your affection out for a dinner, most youngsters are too bored to do that. So what’s causing the burnout among those in early 20′s?

Starting early: It’s often seen that having a girlfriend or boyfriend can make a huge impact on your popularity level in colleges and, more recently, even schools. While most may think that starting out young is likely to help you polish your dating skills, that doesn’t necessarily hold true. In fact, this factor makes youngsters step into the dating zone as early as 12 and 13. Psychologists say most youngsters who begin dating early are so bored of going out by the time they reach their early 20s that they prefer a game of bowling over a candle-light dinner.
Work pressure: With more and more youngsters beginning their careers as early as 21 and 22 years, their careers leave them with no time for love or dating. In a bid to make the most of what they have, they start working long hours right from their teens. With very little time left for recreation, hanging out with friends become a better option for most. The newest form of dating is in fact taking out your date in a group for a game of bowling or to hang out with your buddies.
Online obsessions: With virtual world becoming the new reality, most youngsters hope to find love using the internet. Multiple dating as well as social networking websites are now available easily to youngsters who go overboard using these means. In fact, a recent report say that now, even online dating has reached a saturation point and more people are going offline. For some people, not finding their real love online easily might be very frustrating and tiring. And most people end up pulling down their profiles after just a few months of being on a dating site — because for some reason, they expected the search of love online to be much easier.
Move on: With most of us looking for quick fixes and ‘easy’ relationships, keeping your relationship going has become extremely difficult. Relationship experts say people prefer to make a clean break and move on rather than working on the problems they are facing in their present relationship. But finding someone compatible is an extremely difficult task.
‘The one’ trap: The constant focus on finding ‘the one’ often leads to disappointment and frustration. If you want to be in a relationship, be open to dating more often. It needn’t lead to a serious relationship every time, but look at it as a way of meeting interesting people your age.
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