'Tempted by girl' ... Adil Rashid yesterday
Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/4763915/I-didnt-know-sex-with-13-year-old-was-illegal-says-student-18-who-blames-Muslim-teaching.html#ixzz2J5STro4P
A STUDENT who had sex with a 13-year-old girl claimed he didn’t
know it was illegal because of his strict Muslim upbringing, a court heard
Adil Rashid, 18, met the
girl on Facebook and groomed her for two months before booking a hotel where
they had sex.
But when cops arrested
him, he claimed he did not know about the age of consent because of his Muslim
education in a madrassa school.
also said he had been taught a woman was “no more worthy
than a lollipop
dropped on the ground”.
Nottingham Crown Court
heard Rashid met the girl on Facebook and had chatted and texted with her for
two months. Last July he travelled from his home in Birmingham, having booked a
hotel room in Nottingham.
He met the girl in the
city centre and they went to the hotel and had sex. They left two hours later.
Rashid was arrested the
following week after the girl told a school pal what had happened. The friend
then told a teacher who alerted police.
Julia Smart, defending,
had told an earlier hearing that Rashid had been educated in a madrassa and had
“little experience of women”.
The barrister said he
told a psychologist after his arrest that he did not know having sex with a
13-year-old was against the law. Rashid told police that he had been “tempted
by her”. The court was told he had later “felt bad” about having sex with her.
Judge Michael Stokes QC
said: “He’s had an unusual education, certainly in terms of the sexual
education provided. Comparing women to lollipops is a very curious way of
teaching young men about sex.”
The judge added Rashid
must have known it was illegal “unless he was going around with his eyes shut”.
He also noted Rashid’s school taught that sex outside marriage is forbidden.
Judge Stokes described
Rashid as “passive” and said sending him to jail might cause him “more damage
than good”.
Rashid was sentenced to
nine months in youth custody, suspended for two years.

--- The sun
Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/4763915/I-didnt-know-sex-with-13-year-old-was-illegal-says-student-18-who-blames-Muslim-teaching.html#ixzz2J5STro4P